911 Alert Wireless Location-aware Panic Button badge. Meets Alyssa's Law Requirements. Leverages Existing District Infrastructure.
Give parents easy secure access to report their child's absence. Using the TEC Absence app from anywhere to report a students absence.
For ITC's By ITC's. Three days of networking, connecting and learning. March 26, 27 and 28 2025. Come visit with TEC Staff at our booth. Explore how TEC can help your ITC provide the attendance, lunch, transportation, bells, paging, SIP Trunks, e911, IP speakers, or educational communication notifications your district needs both on and off campus.
Using your cell phone or tablet you can now access the TEC app from anywhere. You will be able to send a text or a phone call, whether you are on vacation or sitting at your desk.
The Education Connection (TEC) has been helping schools communicate both on and off-campus for over 33 years.
TEC's comprehensive communication suite includes:
● Innovative Classroom Bells System that is truly simple to use and customize
● Easy IP Device Control that improves campus safety
● Public Address (PA) Systems with unlimited zones
● Clocks that provides atomic accuracy
● IP Panic Buttons
TEC controls IP Devices from many different manufacturers. We strive to be hardware-agnostic so a project can mix and match the equipment to provide the perfect, custom solution without being locked into a single vendor solution.
TEC customers enjoy exclusive, customer-only wholesale pricing on all IP Devices, resulting in considerable savings on campus or district-wide projects.
Our system is not one size fits all, we customize and shape what we do to work for you!
Connect with us to schedule a demonstration or develop a project quote.
Posted on: May 25, 2018
The Education Connection (TEC) attended the Brainstorm 2018 Educational Technology Conference at the Kalahari Convention Center in Sundusky, Ohio. Brainstorm is a conference held by Education Technicians, for Education Technicians to support the technology necessary in today's educational institutions. Brainstorm is part of The Midwest Technology Association (META, Inc.) from Wisconsin. There were attendees from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania and TEC got to interact with many experts.
The Education Connection was a speaker on Tuesday May8th. Douglas Fritz and Eric Piper provided a session on IP devices. The Session was "The 30's Called and They Want Their PA, Bells, and Clock Systems Back" which discussed utilizing IP devices to replace "old school" public address systems, clocks, and bell systems which makes sense from a services, safety, reliability, and cost perspective. IP devices provide lower cost of installation, eliminate single-use networks, allow easy software up-gradable services, are extremely customizable, comply with current ADA laws, and improve school safety.
The TEC session was rated excellent in post conference surveys of attendees and met the audiences expectations.
Posted on: May 4, 2018
The Education Connection (TEC) received an Ohio School Board Association award for 2018. TEC received an OSBA Business Honor Roll 2018 from Fairborn City Schools for The Education Connection's participation in the District Food Drive 2018. The goal was to raise 20,000 pounds of food for the Fairborn Fish Pantry. The entire staff of The Education Connection committed to help in this project where Douglas Fritz, President, helped load food on to the trucks for the community. The Education Connection also donated over 400 pounds of food to the drive in our effort to support Fairborn.
The award was received by Eric Piper, Vice President, at the May 4, 2018 Fairborn School Board along with five other business that received awards for their work with the schools. Mr. Piper received the award from the School Board members and Mr. Mark North, Superintendent, and said, "It was an honor and privilege to be a part of such a worthy school project." Fairborn City School's has been an important customer of TEC for many years and works continually to support the children and families in Fairborn.
Posted on: September 29, 2017
The Education Connection helped Fairborn City Schools, superintendent Mark North and the Fairborn students collected an amazing 20,000 pounds of food to the Fairborn FISH pantry! The TEC team challenged other Fairborn vendors to donate and help Fairborn win the challenge this year. The TEC staff was pleased that we could serve in this effort to support citizens needing help in the area. TEC supports many school projects to help in their communities by donating its services and support. Douglas Fritz, President of TEC helped Mr. North load food into the truck destined for use in the community.
GO Fairborn Skyhawks!
Posted on: December 29, 2016
For 30 years, TEC has been helping our customers pass levies and bond issues with a 90% success rate. TEC can help your district deliver timely, targeted informational "vote for" campaign messages. We donate the use of our services so you can survey prospective voters and ask for their support. Contact TEC to help your strategic plan.
Contact TEC at: (800) 800-3823
Posted on: December 29, 2016
By interfacing with your Student Nutrition Systems TEC can provide timely reminders of low lunch balances or past due lunch accounts. Recently TEC started placing calls for a District that returned more than $6,000.00 to the District nutrition budget. With The Education Connection this time consuming task can be fully automated saving valuable staff hours.
Contact TEC at: (800) 800-3823
Posted on: October 28, 2016
The Education Connection was pleased to host a meeting between Aculab and The Education Connection (TEC) developers and support staff. David Samuel, Managing Director and CEO Aculab from Milton Keys, United kingdom and John Kozlowski, Senior Sales Manager Aculab - Connecticut spent the day discussing the current direction of Aculab and successful new products they are developing that TEC utilize for new products and services. Aculab is an innovative, market leading company that places product quality and support right at the top of their agenda. With over 35 years of experience in helping to drive customers’ success, Aculab's products are the building blocks on which TEC was built allowing TEC to provide performance levels that are second to none.
Posted on: January 15, 2016
Many studies in educational process center around the need for a higher level of trust in the communication between the parents and educators charged with teaching our primary and secondary students. In many cases the family structure has evolved into both parents employed or, in some cases today, a single-parent home. The technology of communication has advanced so that we can be mobile, and stay connected to the family, and feel safe that there is a fast communication path in the case of an emergency.
Primary and secondary schools are subject to budgets and levies to secure proper funding for their money to operate effectively today. The age of the info-structure of many educational facilities may lack modern technology available today to form a trusted bond with the parents and students. Generally, school districts have multiple systems on their campuses that are used for in-house messaging and communication and the communication outside the school environment. Many schools have one vendor for phones and different vendors for rapid notifications and text messaging.
Many schools have found a vendor that can supply all the communication needs through one source, such as, The Education Connection (TEC) in Dayton Ohio, Insta-Info, Inc., parent company of TEC has been building a multi-level, school communication system for 30 years. This product supplies all the modern forms of communication and information transmission to help the parents and and educators maintain a close relationship in the educational process. This bundled-services model is very cost-effective and makes the use and maintenance of the program very easy.
Posted on: January 14, 2016
Tags: Sms text, Outbound calls, Voice mail, Bell system, Absent calls, Lunch low balance calls, Special announcements, Homework assignments, 9-1-1 safety, Web service voice mails
Treat your desk phone to the TEC Control Applications, and be in control of the powerful communication features found in TEC. The TEC Control App for desktop phones provides and easily accessible method to monitor your TEC system.
Since 1991 The Education Connection (TEC) has developed phone services for keeping all educational stakeholders connected. Our latest advancements provide essential services to a district's phone system adding the following new features.
♦ 9-1-1 Locator
♦ Call Recording
♦ Paging
♦ Intercom
♦ Call-Detail_Records (CDR) Reporting
♦ TEC Directory
♦ Visual Memos and Alerts
♦ Phone Remote Control
♦ On-Screen Voicemail
♦ TEC Control App for Desk Phones
All of these unique features are now available in the The Education Connections that will greatly increase the safety and efficiency your phone system. You will be able to make your telephone a security station and a maintenance platform for reducing travel across your campus. All of these benefits are available by contacting sales@TEC911.net or 1-800-00-3823 and discussing these app's with the team at TEC.
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