Safety and Security

The Education Connection (TEC) is a VoIP telephony-based communication system designed to improve student, parent, and community involvement in the educational process. As the "original" outbound dialer TEC has provided messaging solutions to educators since 1991.

Safety and Security Notifications

Safe Anonymous Tipline

24 /7 Communication tool for safe schools

In today's world safety and security of students and staff is a primary concern for school districts. Too many times we read or watch an incident at a school where students and parents are trying to communicate concerning the child's safety. The TEC system, is designed to maximize communication, and to draw needed resources from unlimited databases that offer the capability to automatically connect and used in the school district. 

TEC can automate contact list data on any schedule, from daily, weekly or other basis to receive and update databases to contact parents and guardians very quickly. TEC uses the largest cloud communication service which allows TEC to scale their calling and messaging to grow as large as TEC needs including the largest district. TEC system can make thousands of simultaneous calls so parents and guardians are not waiting to receive the latest message from the district. 

TEC pulls data from School Information Systems, Bus Tracking and Scheduling, Lunch Balances and other databases were TEC can make automated and manual scheduled calls. Our goal in the design of TEC was to reduce staff and parent time updating multiple lists and to make notifications as easy as possible. 

  • Automated Absence Calls

    24-hours a day, seven days a week TEC is available to receive absence reports. No more wasted time fighting to reach the school's office in the morning to report a student's absence. Parents are more likely to report the absence because they quickly connect with TEC without having to fight the busy signals. More absence messages mean less time spent tracking down missing students and faster reporting to parents.

Safe schools for students staff and community.

TEC offers a safe, secure, and anonymous tip line for bullying, safety concerns or threats. The tip line allows a caller to remain anonymous or they can provide identifying information for later feedback. A caller that provided the tip can receive anonymous feedback of an item they proved. 

Once a message has been received, TEC will begin a notification process, designed by your district, to call, email, or text message the appropriate personnel. 

This notification process can escalate from the primary contact through a list of secondary and tertiary contacts until someone responds to the message in a timely manner.

  • More Detail

    With the TEC Anonymous Tip Line staff can now quickly receive information on bulling, sexual harassment, cheating and unsafe activities all through one coordinated system withing the district. The tip line can be used either through the phone or the web making it easy and safe to use as well as being an anonymous system. People that use the tip line do receive confidentiality updates that are anonymous. The control of feedback is up to the person that is making the call and how they wish to be involved.

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